Sunday, April 23, 2006

Spring Glory

Spring Glory Forsynthia! Blooming in my backyard. Spring, Spring is here! When I left town for Easter weekend to visit my family there was nothing happening in the garden. Nada. Bupkus. I returned and this little bush had decided it had waited long enough. Viola. Lovely little yellow flowers. So far it's the only thing that has come out in its fully glory but with the rains this week there are buds on everything and it is suprising to me (the garden neophyte) how quickly that happens. That and how the weeds appear first, in abundance! Now should you think "well, how does she know what this flower is called if she knows nothing about gardening?" The previous owners were kind enough to leave the tag on it. I love them, who ever they are.

This is "Zeke in the Wilderness." My kitty was very anxious to stroll the backyard grounds on Saturday and sniff out all signs of Bob, that interloping cat that hangs around. Lucky for us there was no sign of Bob on saturday which meant the possibility of flying fur was at a minimum. Yes, that's a harness on my cat. He has been an indoor cat for all his 15 years and I take him out on a harness and retractable leash so he can wander about. He thinks he's a black labrador retriever anyway so he's perfectly happy on a leash...okay, not thrilled but he knows if he wants to go outside he has to stand still for the harness. It's working out very well. Zeke is a marvelous wonder cat with only slight psycho tendencies. He is very smart. He knows the commands sit, shake, and sit UP which he will do for you if there is a treat in your hand. I taught him this when he was 10. So, you can teach an old cat new tricks. He is a funny, steadfast companion to me. The least I could do is take him out into a whole new world.


Marilyn said...

Gee, and I was so impressed that you knew the name of that plant. :) (Meanwhile, I have NO idea what kind of huge tree we have in our front yard...) But dang, girl, you got yer cat on a leash! ;)

Becca said...

the green thumb must run deep in that wilkins blood line.