Wednesday, January 23, 2008

MidWeek MishMash

Here I am...yes, I did caucus last Saturday and was happy to report that my precinct had a really good turnout with a large majority of those folks for Obama. I was nicely suprised. Our group was quite lively while the Hilary group seemed serious. Just my perception. It was a good experience and I am happy to report there weren't too many glitches. Results, well, that is why I'm not terribly political. It is a race and there's always a winner and losers...Hilary won the popular vote in Nevada however, Obama came away with 13 delegates whereas Hilary scored 12. She won predominately in Clark County which is Las Vegas and the surrounding areas while Obama took Northern Nevada. I'm keeping a close eye on the election news coming out of the states that are due to primary in the next few weeks.

It is cold and snowy here and has been for several days and is expected to continue for several days. We are definitely having more winter than last year. There has been snow in the SF-Bay Area which is always a weird and wonderful occurence. I'm tucked in with books and movies and just hanging out. I've got a couple creative projects in the works but I'll share those later.


Nikki Neurotic said...

I get mixed up with the popular vote vs. the electoral confusing.

I'm sure that my friend would be more than happy to explain the system to me...however, I tend to start nodding off when the subject gets too heavy in the political system.

Shelby said...

Very interesting about the caucus stuff. Have fun reading..