Sunday, March 04, 2007

No, Really...I'm a Wild Child

One of my little indulgences is to reward myself for going to the grocery store. Having little interest in the actual cooking of food and even less interest in anything that isn't chocolate, I find the grocery store can be a strenuous mental activity in what to put in my basket. Sometimes I can actually fill my cart with things that might be considered healthy. Soy Yogurt! Cheddar Rice cakes! Wow, I'm doing good. This is immediately offset by the presence of Mother's Double Fudge Cookies. I try though...I really do. My motivation and reward for this exercise in food roulette is the purchasing of a magazine at the check out line. Sometimes a fashion magazine, perhaps a Marie Claire. Often times a celebrity rag: US Weekly, In Touch...always good for a few hours of mindless browsing on the couch in the afternoon. Often I will indulge in an ABC soaps magazine since I rarely have the patience to sit and watch anymore I do like to keep up with story lines. So, imagine my surprise when I opted out of the latest Britney/Anna/Brangelina unnamed sources reporting the latest and instead found myself drawn to this:
That bastion of Northwestern Living, the bible of inspiration for all things home and garden.....Sunset Magazine. This new magazine browsing behavior is right up there with salivating over Washer/Dryer combinations in the Sears flyer. Who is this woman? I am so grateful that I lived a wild and crazy urban existence up until I decided to move to the mountains. Otherwise, this gal would scare me!


Anonymous said...

Did I ever tell you that I subscribed to Sunset when we lived in the tropics? My mother was shocked...since I'm not, you know, the Sunset TYPE. ;) But I had such fond memories of leafing through those magazines of my mother's when I was a kid...and I was so homesick for the West Coast. The only downside was because of our Atlantic zip code, they sent us the Rocky Mountain edition. But it still filled the need. I renewed it once we moved back, until I noticed one day that I had a stack of them sitting untouched. That's when it hit me...oh yeah, I LIVE here now...I can just LOOK OUT THE WINDOW. Still, one of my favorite mags EVER.

Stephanie said...

I realized that I had turned a corner in my life when I cancelled my In Style subscription and got Sunset magazine instead.

I LOVE this issue, and have plans to use some of the plants in our garden this spring.