Thursday, October 05, 2006

Fall Upon Us

What have I been doing? Where have I been? Good question...where should I start. I am recovering from the effects of a rather unpleasant sinus infection that required antibiotics and made working in a face mask that much more pleasant. Though the antibiotics have done their job I am still feeling sluggish and not 100% and come home in the evenings and pretty much climb in bed by 9 PM which means the TiVo is running overtime while all the new and returning shows I am trying to watch go by the wayside in favor or more sleep. Add on, the not necessarily stressful but stressful just the same, starting work in a new office and getting acquainted and organized and now juggling two offices part-time and the fact that the office space in the new house looks like a tornado hit it while I attempt to wrestle it into some sort of less chaotic order meanwhile, obcessing over the boxes of just junk that needs to be shredded that are waiting for attention in the garage. HMM, that about covers the minutae of it all.

There were family visits in the last few weeks, a day at the Genoa Candy Dance which I will explain along with pictures of Genoa but I wouldn't want to present this all to you until I've got my research and history correct cuz that would just be wrong. Still candy has been known to make me dance so it's a good visual there I think. Swaying to the music of a well made piece of could happen.

All that plus beautiful fall foliage, we get some amazing color here, the first rain of the season, a dusting of snow on the Heavenly Valley peaks today, temperatures dropping, heaters revving up and the weekend figuring out how to shut down and drain the swamp cooler.

I'll be back with photos.

1 comment:

kyrie said...

busy busy you are! sorry to hear about your sinus infection. i hate those. such a burden.
the fall seasons are amazing in mountains. i cherish flagstaff for that reason... i have not seen anything like it before. yet again, i have not really been anywhere, so that might explain it. enjoy the weekend. put your feet up drink some coffee and eat some SEES!