I am always grateful to the employment gods for finding me work. Despite the Nevada Dental Board's best efforts to keep me from working in Nevada I have been lucky to secure work here in the early part of this year. Two offices, like a tale of two cities...one ideal, perfect fit for me, full of veteran dental folks who've seen most of it over the years and have a calm and focused attitude toward the work and realize that humor will get you through the day better than anything. The other nothing like my Minden Oasis. Beautiful office, brand new...appears they thought of everything when designing it. Ambidextrous equipment, spacious, light and airy, comfortable, computers in every room, digital x-rays...the whole 21st century upgrade. The Chief is likable and shares my philosophy. I am lulled into a state of low grade excitement to work in such a lovely atmosphere. AND THEN I got my first eye full of the Chief's headmistress, Queen Dripslobber we'll call her. I knew right then I was not long for this job. Bossy, loud, very quick to point out any and all mistakes as you try to make your way through the day under the feigned pretext that she is doing you a favor correcting you before you do something dumb yet again. Indeed, there is a learning curve when entering any new work situation...I am, however, a fairly bright, seasoned veteran of the dental culture. I can usually figure things out if given time and a few pointers. Queenie, though, she's more likely to catch you off guard, swope in and correct any mistakes before you even know what hit you. She wants it done her way and rather than explain, which would be helpful, she is more likely to just do it and leave you puzzled still. Then she wonders why you ignore her or approach her helpfulness with distain. As I sighed for the hundredth time at the end of the day while she pointed out what I had forgotten to do before leaving and dragging me back to my cubicle to point it out, her comment "Oh, no sighing...it's just tweaking." No, it's petty oneupmanship AND it's only so you won't have to do that particular bit of your job tomorrow. One of the things I realized after 6 weeks of watching this tazmanian devil spin out in the hallways of the office was that most of what she required in the way of my job details were areas in which it made her job that much easier. Sly fox she. However, in my quest to stay on schedule and have a smooth day at a new venue I was constantly hung up for precious minutes on the minutae of how she needs things to be done. So with the alarm in my guy flashing red I gave the Chief my resignation. He was curiuos as to why and I played diplomatic and said the office just wasn't a good fit for me. I know he wanted more but with little knowledge but pretty good intuition about small town business goings on, I figured leave on the best terms possible, word gets around. I am free of one office that could not provide the slightest possibility of a fun day at work...oh, and did I mention a complete lack of humor....agh...who needs that! I have needs people and one of them is a good chuckle and authentic smiles.
Meanwhile, my Minden oasis continues to be a source of fun and a study in how a good fit is possible. There is no power tripping at this office. It's a group effort and cooperation is second nature. So far my timing was pretty lucky in that for the last three months we have had birthdays to celebrate and it is a big production including home made desserts, presents, lunch ordered in and the staff and doc sitting around together BS-ing. My induction into this office was so easy and seamless. We laugh, we mock, we keep the stress level to a minimum and we support each other. Lucky, I am telling you. I've worked alot of offices and have always been blessed with finding the ones that operate like this. It's such a gift. So I await the day that this office can give me another day and I can make it my home. Meanwhile, I think I will be temping for those days I lost with the office from a bad sitcom. That way if I find myself in that situation again I can just remind myself that it's temporary and I get to leave and move on when I am done.