Friday, March 10, 2006


Once again the snow crept in overnight and I awoke to the wonderful, pristine visage. Then the sun came out which makes it that much more lovely though sunglasses are required. As the snow began to melt atop the lattice work on the deck it began to fall creating these patterns.

I haven't witnessed this process happening before. I've decided that these are, in fact, chinese characters spelling out wonderful fortune for me. Things like you will find happiness and tranquility in the mountains of nevada. Money is coming your way. Peace is at hand. Don't they kinda remind you of that? Then again...could be...finish cleaning up your house before your weekend house guest arrives.

I am having my first house guest this weekend. My dear friend S. from San Francisco is coming for the weekend. I am looking forward to getting out and about with her, showing her the town and maybe playing in the snow. There is the added bonus of lots of girl talk. I'm looking forward to it.


Marilyn said...

How does this happen?! Very cool. :)

Becca said...

they actually look like little rasta stick men dancing. we've got snow here to. So strange.

kyrie said...

We as well have snow, and it doesnt plan on stopping. I was pissed yesterday morning when I woke up to go to class... I guess I like it when I don't have class or have to drive in it. I hope you have a wonderful time with your first house guest!

Dolores said...

those are soo cool!! some kind of winter phenomena (is that a word?)