Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Taking a Breather

I've been awash in the minutae of life and posting has taken a back seat to all the little things that must be tended to. Oh, and I also suffered a ridiculous brain fart the day last week I sat down to post in that I couldn't remember my sign in. This is when you know you've got too much crap floating around in your brain and it is time to retreat to the deck and stare into space for a bit. I've got two hikes under my belt that I will share with you later. I am happy to just have stuck with it. Meanwhile, pretty little things from my time spent on the deck.

The mystery pansies are flourishing. They have inverted their colors. Who knew they did this??

We get some really interesting clouds breaking over the mountains. This is the second time I have seen one that looks amazingly like a flying saucer.


Stephanie said...

I love those pansies! So pretty.

And it's a good thing my computer remembers my sign-in name for almost everything because goodness knows I can't keep track of it.

The G Family said...

Now those are some cool clouds!!!

Yolanda said...

Oh I love the cloud picture