Thursday, November 27, 2008


There's always the usual list of things to be thankful for. There is the daily gratitude I practice that doesn't require a holiday. This year I am grateful for a new four legged family member.
Bella is 9 months old. She is soft as a mink. Petite and slightly clumsy. She is sweet and affectionate. I'm thankful to my vet, Leslie, who entrusted her care to me. I'm thankful for Bella's youthful exuberance. I'm thankful that she makes me laugh everyday. I'm thankful that
she believes in waking up slowly and that after coffee it is time to play. I believe that Zeke would have loved her.

Meet Bella

Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving.



1 comment:

RoothBooks said...

Jeri, what you have is a superlative Russian Blue -- lucky lucky you!
Love, Rooth