Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

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I am celebrating my birthday on this 14th day of February. I am hoping there are cupcakes in my future. I find it reassuring that I was born on a day where chocolate is expected and given as a sign of love and adoration. This makes me laugh seeing as I am addicted to chocolate. It is a day of high expectations for many and I say okay, if you want to buy into that great ,otherwise, put those expectations aside and go buy yourself a lovely cupcake and just enjoy it and yourself! This has always worked for me. I'm heading out of town for the long weekend to revel in my personal new year. Happy Valentine's Day to all.


Shelby said...

happy late valentine's day to you!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday!

Valentine's Day seems to be a popular birthday as well. :)

Stephanie said...

Happy belated Birthday to you! Hope it and your long weekend were filled with chocolate and other lovely treats.