Friday, June 16, 2006


I was warned. Though many things go into buying a home it appears the paperidge, in vast quantities, is the thing people remember most. Large manila envelopes full of stacks of paper have arrived at my house. Yikes! It doesn't help that I am still toting what feels like cotton balls around in my head making it difficult to absorb any information of the printed variety. Then again perhaps the denial is wearing off and the shock has set in. I'm buying a house. WTF! It appears my mind will be sifting through various stages of thought and emotion over the next two weeks. I'm feeling roller-coaster-ish. A good aspect of it all is that half of my stuff has been in boxes for over a year. Imagine my suprise, when I actually get to unpack them, at all the forgotten treasures stored therein. Whee, it'll be like christmas!

Meanwhile, I should be packing BUT my angel from Flagstaff (aka College Niece) is visiting so there's much to do with her. We are going out to Virginia City today. I have yet to visit this old mining town. We've gone to lunch and a movie earlier this week and browsed used books in town. So that's the plan, even though my mind wants to toy mercilessly with odd words and phrases from these stacks of paper I am off to have a little fun and roam old time Nevada.


Becca said...

When we bought our house, I really thought all the paper work would be mind numbing.. I felt like it reminded me to take the house buying seriously.. but I also worked in the legal field, so we just use up all the trees needlessly. Soon all the icky stuff will be over!

Marilyn said...

But what a reward waiting behind all those stacks... ;)