Sunday, December 02, 2007

Djembe Is For Happy

These telling words were uttered by this guy at a drum workshop I attended. The workshop is a production of this gal who is my drum teacher. Bolokada, in his amusingly reasonable english, explained in the first workshop I attended with him in the Spring, that the djembe (say: jim-bay) is for celebration, for bringing people together, for happiness. I was lucky to attend a second workshop with him this last week. Once again I came away with a feeling similar to the term "walking on air". I felt I was levitating, such is the strength of feeling that comes from learning a 3 part rhythm with a group of 30-40 people, from a master drummer. I smile the whole time I am learning or flubbing or playing. For one thing, Bolokada is a high energy, terminally happy guy and he spreads his smile and his warmth through the room. Second, his english makes listening to him rather tricky but that just forces one to listen more closely in order to get the jist of what he is saying, usually a story concept of whatever piece he is teaching. I believe the piece we learned had to do with increasing the fertility of a women in the village who had been unable to conceive. I could be wrong on this but that is what I picked up.
Third, he teaches very straightfowardly - call and response - and then once the class is in sync he plays his little heart out. So I am learning a new piece and I am able to watch a master drummer do a little mini-concert. SWEET!

I have been taking a class at Lake Tahoe Community College with Liz. (see the above link)
This monday is our last class and 12 weeks flew by awfully fast. I won't be tempting fate by traveling the summit in the winter to continue on next quarter but I will be starting up again in the spring. It's been fun and engaging and frustrating and challenging. Such is the process of learning a new skill and two new rhythms, each with 3 separate parts. When it clicks and the class syncs it is the most awesome sound and feeling. When I am all fumble thumbs and mental blocks it is humbling. Practice would help. The other side of learning....must practice. I have not committed to that the way that I could but I think my frustration is mounting enough to propel me towards a more studied approach away from class. That said, I am just proud and happy with myself for pursuing my drumming. I've always moved to my own rhythms and with drumming that inner rhythm actually has a sound.

My Happy


Marilyn said...

GOOD FOR YOU!!! I'm proud of you for pursuing this!

P.S. re your new that the view from your house?!

J said...

I suspect that if my husband knew that they taught drumming in Tahoe, we'd be moving to Tahoe! What a great idea.

My grandparents eloped to Carson City when she was 18, and every time we go to Tahoe, my husband says we should go see the place. But I want to stay and enjoy the pretty of the lake. :)