Long time no blogging. There's a chance it will be a long time before I return again. What use to be a life of part-time work and part-time puttering and writing and being leisurely has blossomed into...two part-time jobs and very little leisure time. I still do the office job and now I have added a free lance job to my life. I am working as an associate with my drum teacher. She is an extremely creative artist and has many things simmering in a pot. We hope to stop tinkering and start doing. That's all I can say other than....whee....it's fun, I am learning a lot, and I believe we will be extremely successful sometime soon.
Bella is learning about the great outdoors. She is not terribly fond of the harness...yet, I am cautious as she is young and quick. Bugs fascinate her and she is learning the limits of the yard. She continues to be a source of great amusement and love.
A quick trip to Flagstaff, AZ for the college niece's graduation! Yay! Though there will be a return in two years for the Master's Degree. Double Yay! It was a fast and furious trip but we had a blast and donned festive head gear in honor of our graduate.
Two weeks ago my mother became a resident of our little neighborhood. She came up a month ago to look around and faster than you can say I'll take it she had a beautiful house that sits on a golf course and lots of space and a lovely walk in closet for all her shoes and a jacuzzi tub that I will be taking advantage of. Yesterday we stood at the window and made fun of a bunch of golfers out whiffin' the ball in the rain. Quite entertaining. I am so happy to have her within walking distance.
My good friend Ruth had a recent cancer scare and I am happy to report she is finished with treatment and recovering nicely. She is currently posting pictures of her found objects art which I find fascinating and intriguing. Go say hi!
So that is just a peek at the recent big events in my life. Who knows when I will be back...I've got a database project to work on...exciting stuff, I know. Till then....the adventure continues.